Books about Flutter

Here’s a collection of books about Flutter, in alphabetical order. If you find another one that we should add, file an issue and (optionally) submit a PR (sample) to add it yourself.

The following sections have more information about each book.

Beginning App Development with Flutter

Beginning App Development with Flutter

by Rap Payne

Easy to understand starter book. Currently the best-selling and highest rated Flutter book on Amazon.

Beginning Flutter: A Hands On Guide to App Development

Beginning Flutter: A Hands On Guide to App Development

by Marco L. Napoli

Build your first app in Flutter - no experience necessary.

Flutter Apprentice

Flutter Apprentice

by Michael Katz, Kevin David Moore, Vincent Ngo, and Vincenzo Guzzi

Build for both iOS and Android With Flutter! With Flutter and Flutter Apprentice, you can achieve the dream of building fast applications, faster.

Flutter Complete Reference 2.0

Flutter Complete Reference 2.0

by Alberto Miola

The book’s first eight chapters are dedicated to Dart 3.0 and all its features. Over 500 pages are about the Flutter framework: widgets basics, state management, animations, navigation, and more.

Flutter: Développez vos applications mobiles multiplateformes avec Dart

Flutter: Développez vos applications mobiles multiplateformes avec Dart

by Julien Trillard

Ce livre sur Flutter s’adresse aux développeurs, initiés comme plus aguerris, qui souhaitent disposer des connaissances nécessaires pour créer de A à Z des applications mobiles multiplateformes avec le framework de Google

Flutter for Beginners

Flutter for Beginners

by Thomas Bailey and Alessandro Biessek

An introductory guide to building cross-platform mobile applications with Flutter 2.5 and Dart.

Flutter in Action

Flutter in Action

by Eric Windmill

Flutter in Action teaches you to build professional-quality mobile applications using the Flutter SDK and the Dart programming language.

Flutter Libraries We Love

Flutter Libraries We Love

by Codemagic

“Flutter libraries We Love” focuses on 11 different categories of Flutter libraries. Each category lists available libraries as well as a highlighted library that is covered in more detail – including pros and cons, developer’s perspective, and real-life code examples. The code snippets of all 11 highlighted libraries support Flutter 2 with sound null safety.

Flutter Succinctly

Flutter Succinctly

by Ed Freitas

App UI in Flutter-from Zero to Hero.

Google Flutter Mobile Development Quick Start Guide

Google Flutter Mobile Development Quick Start Guide

by Prajyot Mainkar and Salvatore Girodano

A fast-paced guide to get you started with cross-platform mobile application development with Google Flutter

Learn Google Flutter Fast

Learn Google Flutter Fast

by Mark Clow

Learn Google Flutter by example. Over 65 example mini-apps.

Managing State in Flutter Pragmatically

Managing State in Flutter Pragmatically

by Waleed Arshad

Explore popular state management techniques in Flutter.

Practical Flutter

Practical Flutter

by Frank Zammetti

Improve your Mobile Development with Google’s latest open source SDK.

Pragmatic Flutter

Pragmatic Flutter

by Priyanka Tyagi

Building Cross-Platform Mobile Apps for Android, iOS, Web & Desktop

Programming Flutter

Programming Flutter

by Carmine Zaccagnino

Native, Cross-Platform Apps the Easy Way. Doesn’t require previous Dart knowledge.