Supported deployment platforms

Support tiers

We define three tiers of support for the platforms on which built Flutter might be deployed:

  1. Supported
    Google-tested platforms that are automatically tested on every commit by continuous integration testing.
  2. Best effort
    Platforms that we intend to support through coding practices, but are only tested on an ad-hoc basis.
  3. Unsupported
    Platforms that we don’t test or support.

Deploying Flutter

As of the current stable release, support for deploying Flutter apps is shown in the following table:

Platform version Supported Best effort Unsupported
Android SDK 21-30 19-20 18-
iOS 16 11-15 10-, arm7v 32-bit
Linux Debian 10-11 9- any 32-bit
Linux Ubuntu 18.04 LTS 20.04-22.04 any 32-bit
macOS Monterey (12+) Mojave (10.14) to Big Sur (11) High Sierra (10.13-)
web - Chrome latest 2 releases 96+  
web - Firefox latest 2 releases 99+  
web - Safari latest 2 releases 14+  
web - Edge latest 2 releases 96+  
Windows 10 7, 8, and 11 Vista-, any 32-bit