Random Graph
Sample Graphs
Bellman Ford's Algo
Dijkstra's Algo
In the Single-Source Shortest Path (SSSP) problem, we aim to find the shortest paths from a particular start node to all other vertices in the graph (if they exist).
Different algorithms can be used depending on the nature of the graph, i.e. weighted/ unweighted, with/without negative weights/ cycles.
Choose a sample graph and try running the different SSSP algorithms on it:
The O(V + E)
Breadth-first search (only for unweighted graphs),
The general purpose O(VE)
Bellman Ford's algorithm, or
The O((V + E) log V)
Dijkstra's algorithm (only for graphs without negative weights/negative weight cycles)
When the SSSP algorithm animation is running, the input graph will be shown on the left, and the SSSP spanning tree will be shown on the right with the corresponding distance information.
The status bar explains the execution of the algorithm at each animation step.
You can also follow the psuedocode highlights to trace the algorithm.
Control the animation with the player controls! Keyboard shortcuts are:
Spacebar: play/pause/replay
Left/right arrows: step backward/step forward
-/+: decrease/increase speed
Return to "Exploration Mode" to start exploring!