Random Graph
Sample Graphs
Kruskal's Algo
Prim's Algo
A Spanning Tree of a connected, undirected graph is a subgraph that is a
tree that
connects all vertices together. A graph can have multiple Spanning Trees. A Minimum Spanning Tree is a Spanning Tree that has the
smallest total weight among the various Spanning Trees. Note that a graph can also have multiple MSTs.
All available MST operations will be shown here. Select an action and provide the necessary input, and the action will be animated in the visualisation area.
View the visualisation here!
As the action is being carried out, each step will be described in the status panel.
You can also follow the psuedocode highlights to trace the algorithm.
Control the animation with the player controls! Keyboard shortcuts are:
Spacebar: play/pause/replay
Left/right arrows: step backward/step forward
-/+: decrease/increase speed
Return to "Exploration Mode" to start exploring!